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What is anomaly scan? Why anomaly scan is done in pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing event, but it can also be a time of uncertainty and anxiety for expectant parents. One of the most important tests that pregnant women undergo is the anomaly scan. In this blog, we will discuss what an anomaly scan is, why it is done in pregnancy, and what to expect during the procedure.

What is an anomaly scan?

An anomaly scan, also known as a mid-pregnancy ultrasound scan or level 2 ultrasound scan, is a detailed ultrasound examination that is usually performed between 18 and 22 weeks of pregnancy. The scan is done to check the baby's anatomy and development to ensure that everything is progressing normally.

The scan is performed using a transducer, which sends high-frequency sound waves through the uterus to create images of the baby and surrounding structures. These images are then displayed on a monitor for the sonographer to examine.

During the scan, the sonographer will look at the baby's organs, bones, and other structures, including the brain, spine, heart, lungs, kidneys, and limbs, to check for any signs of abnormalities. The sonographer will also measure the baby's growth and check the amount of amniotic fluid around the baby.

Why is an anomaly scan done in pregnancy?

Anomaly scan is an important test that is done in pregnancy because it can detect many birth defects and other conditions early on, which allows for appropriate management and planning. Some of the conditions that can be detected during the scan include:

  1. Neural tube defects - such as spina bifida, which is a condition where the spine and spinal cord do not develop properly.

  2. Heart defects - such as holes in the heart or abnormalities of the heart valves.

  3. Abdominal wall defects - such as gastroschisis or omphalocele, which are conditions where the baby's abdominal organs develop outside of the body.

  4. Kidney and urinary tract abnormalities - such as hydronephrosis, which is a condition where the kidneys are swollen due to a blockage in the urinary tract.

  5. Limb abnormalities - such as clubfoot, where the foot is turned inward, or missing fingers or toes.

If any abnormalities are found during the scan, further tests or specialist referrals may be needed to determine the best course of action. In some cases, surgery or other interventions may be needed before or after birth to treat the condition.

The scan can also provide reassurance to expectant parents that their baby is developing normally. Knowing that everything is progressing as it should can help alleviate anxiety and allow parents to prepare for the arrival of their baby with confidence.

What to expect during the procedure?

An anomaly scan is a non-invasive and painless procedure that typically takes 30-60 minutes to complete. Before the scan, the sonographer will explain the procedure and answer any questions you may have. You will then lie on your back on an examination table, and a gel will be applied to your abdomen to help the transducer make contact with your skin.

The sonographer will move the transducer around your abdomen to obtain images of your baby and surrounding structures. You may be asked to change position or hold your breath briefly to get better images. You will be able to see the images on a monitor during the procedure, and the sonographer may point out different parts of the baby's anatomy.

After the scan, the sonographer will provide you with a report detailing the findings of the scan. In some cases, a follow-up scan may be needed to obtain better images or to monitor any abnormalities that were detected.


Anomaly scan is an important test that is done in pregnancy to check the baby's anatomy and development and to detect any abnormalities early on. The scan is a non-invasive and painless procedure that typically


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